Equality Foundation of Georgia

Region: Atlanta, Georgia
Grant duration: One Year
Amount: $20,000

This Grant is part of the 2015 OutGiving Slate Commitment.

The hallmark of the OutGiving network is the biennial, invitation-only OutGiving Conference, which brings together major donors and institutional funders in a private setting to connect, learn, and exchange ideas on ways to advance equality through strategic and intentional philanthropy. The OutGiving Conference has inspired hundreds of donors to give more strategically and more generously to improve the lives of LGBT people across the country and around the world.

The biannual conference is geared toward individuals whose annual philanthropy exceeds $25,000 and who are interested in increasing the effectiveness of their giving in support of the LGBT movement. The events are invitation-only and private.

The OutGiving Conference is a unique opportunity to hear from some of the nation’s top leaders and strategists, to build lasting relationships with fellow philanthropists, and to learn about the opportunities and challenges we’re facing right now in the movement to win equality.